Wednesday 4 March 2015


I love Lush products. I don't have a bath very often, (so I have a stack of bath bombs waiting to be used), but when I do I almost always use a Lush product because it makes it so much more exciting and relaxing! I think baths are important every once in a while because it helps you unwind and unravel your thoughts. Yesterday I used a bath bomb I've had a few months now but believe they still sell, 'Fizzbanger'.
I realised mine is a little crumbled :/ but it's only going to dissolve anyway! 
When the bath bomb first hit the water it changed it to a yellow colour, but as it starts to dissolve you see that the bath bomb is blue inside, so gradually changes the water to green. Unlike most other bath bombs I've used before, this one created foam and bubbles, without the use of a bubble bar, which was incredibly handy!

A piece of paper with the word 'Bang' written on was hidden in the bath bomb, which was a nice surprise but also unusual. At first I didn't realise it was from  the bath bomb and wasn't sure where it had come from!

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